Outdoor Landscape Painting
JULY 18 - 20
Tuition fee: $600
Skill level: intermediate/advanced
In this 3 day workshop students will be working in the field and watching daily
demonstrations in order to develop their skills in landscape painting. Students will
develop a strong understanding of how light behaves and the way light describes form
in a landscape.
This understanding will be crucial in making a painting appear 3
dimensional. Students will also learn how to apply the fundamentals of painting, such
as drawing,values, color, and edges to painting en plein air. Having solid fundamentals
will give the students confidence in being able to paint whatever scene they are presented with well.
This class will also emphasize the importance of being deliberate in the decision-making
process of painting. In order to make good decisions in painting, there needs to be a
clear visual concept to begin with. In this class, students will learn how to formulate
concepts for painting based on the scene they are in front of.
Students will also receive individual attention as they work in the field so the instructor
can help address the specific goals each individual has for their work. Therefore this
workshop will benefit artists of all levels.